kumbh mela spiritual gurus
Akharas On hearing the word ‘Akahara’, wrestling comes to the mind, but here, the meaning is related to the origin of the word. The word ‘akahra’ is the distorted form of the word ‘akhand’ whose literal meaning is indivisible. Adi Guru Shankracharya attempted to unite organizations of ascetics to protect the ‘Sanatan’ way of life. Therefore, various Akharas were established for uniting followers of similar religious customs, views and ideologies. The saints and ascetics associated with an Akhara specializes in both scriptures and armaments. Akharas are a symbol of social order, unity, culture and ethics. Their main objective is establishment of spiritual values in the society. The greatest responsibility of Akhara Mathas is to establish ethical values in the society. For this reason, during the selection process of Dharma Gurus special emphasis is given on virtue, morality, self-restrain, compassion, rigorousness, farsightedness, and religiosity. Indian culture and unity derives it...